Sunday, June 3, 2007

US Idiots... idiots in general

Sometimes I swear I understand why the rest of the world automatically think US citizens=idiots. The ones who represent all of us are in the news, and it’s mostly about celebrities that act all screw up or a regular person doing something royally stupid that gets everyone to notice them. Just look in the last week and there will be news about a handful of celebrities that have made the rest of us look bad, but now a lawyer from Atlanta came back to the states when he was infected with the deadliest strain of tuberculosis! Gah! I’ll admit that no one can be truly a genius. I’m stupid. You’re stupid. We’re all stupid! But there are those that might as well not have been born considering the amount of good sense wasn’t given to them when they came into existence. Even some of the smartest people I know usually put their foot in their mouths when they know they have no tact. I hate having to be polite with them when I just want to tell them to shut up! Shut up and actually think before opening your goddamn mouth!!!


My friend is one of the closest to me and at times they’re like the sibling I always wanted, but it seems that a lot of times I really want to smack or strangle them!