Monday, April 9, 2007

Rant 01: Of the Idiocy of So-called Therapists & Parents

I’m a big fan of dramas like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and you notice certain issues that are common amongst them. One of the issues I noticed in at least 2-3 of the shows was re-birthing therapy or coercive therapy. I know that in most shows they tend to dramatize the facts but I found an article documented by the American Psychiatric Association that reflects the validity of the portrayal of this particular “therapy”. I’ve only taken a basic psychology class but I feel that I’m an emphatic individual and can grasp concepts of psychology from experience. I agree that anyone that practices this and still claims to be a professional therapist then they’re full of crock! For those of you not aware of the concept of ‘re-birthing therapy’ then go to the aforementioned article. I understand that trying to raise children that are ‘normal’ is hard enough but when they are born with RAD would seem just about impossible. However, I think it would take a very callous parent to even consider a treatment that the APA wouldn’t condone due to the fatal risks involved. The fact is when I see the reasoning involved I don’t see the logic of it; they’re suppose to be giving the child back to the parent ‘reborn’ so that they can reinitiate the attachment children have with their parents that they currently lacked. Nonetheless, they can’t accurately recreate the situation of the child being in a womb; in an actual pregnancy there would be an open canal for the child to exit or one will be created via a c-section, but in this recreation the child is swathed completely and forced to fight against at least two full grown adults weighing them down. Also in a successful pregnancy the mother is suppose to time the pushes when it’s in time with her contractions, also while the baby is in the wound they would feel safe until the initial delivery. While they’re waiting to be brought into the world they’re still connected to their mother with the umbilical cord and able to breath in their environment since their initial conception. I don’t see how smothering a child in a blanket while they’re being smothered and possibly hurt (bruises, asphyxiation, etc) would simulate “re-birthing”. After the experience I would think the child would have clung to anyone, whether it’s their parent or not, in reaction to a traumatizing experience! A parent is supposed to protect their children from having to feel such unwanted terror and possible pain. Isn’t it enough to love the child, but to expect the emotion returned equally when it’s not possible is entirely selfish of them! They shouldn’t expect an instant miracle with a method such as this, and the therapists who support such an unproven theory should be smothered themselves to see what they put their ‘patients’ through!

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