Thursday, April 12, 2007

Not all mathematicians are geniuses!

One of the few movies I remember going to see in the recent years in the theatres and enjoyed was A Beautiful Mind in 2001. I saw it in my senior year of high school and if it wasn't for the fact I had to explain it to the guy I was going out with it would've been one of my most enjoyable movie theatre experiences. It's about a Noble Prize (Economics) winning mathematician, John Nash. I found out that it was loosely based on a biography by Sylvia Nasar in 1998. As I've said before in my latest rant that most of the good movies that are coming out are based on books, and the brilliance of them are all thanks to the authors who wrote them. Putting that aside, I'd still recommend this to anyone, but try not to question others about what's going on in the movie, it can be quite annoying for the ones trying to enjoy it! I also learned from watching the movie that even an aspiring mathematician would be lost in trying to interpret a movie about a mathematician!

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